USB 2.0

In this form it is possible to plan the peripheral one of communication USB, such setups are necessary if necessity of the USB instructions.

Commands:HID Attach, HID Detach, HID Init, HID Receive, HID Send

USB 2.0

1. Enable/Disable the USB modul.Device Information

2. Company Name, String

3. The product name is typically displayed when a HID device is first plugged into a host system, as shown below.

4. Serial Number string [optional]
5. Supported language. A list of USB Language IDs can be found in Universal Serial Bus Language Identifiers (LANGIDs) version 1.0

Vendor and Product IDs

The Product and Vendor IDs used to load the appropriate drivers

6. Vendor ID Integer value 0 / 65535 (Assigned by USB Org)
7. Product ID Integer value 0 / 65535 (Assigned by Manufacturer)

Configuration Details

8. Low-Speed and Full-Speed
Full speed data is clocked at 12.00Mb/s (with the 20MHz xtal):
Low speed data is clocked at 1.50Mb/s
9. Device Release Number
10. Bus power is the maximum power consumption (mA), that the USB device can draw from the bus.
11. Maximum Packet Size this endpoint is capable of sending or receiving
The maximum size of an input and output buffer is 64 bytes.
The input buffer is sent by the USB device to a host .
The output buffer is sent by the host to a USB device.
12. Interval for polling endpoint data transfers . Value in frame counts. from 1 to 255 for interrupt endpoints.


Schematic for Connection