
Capture :
Is the reading of the Timer TMR1/3 in base to the events on the Pin CCPn
(n is number of the form)
Is the event produced in case of equality between the Timer TMR1/3 and the suitable variable in the program
 Commands Capture, CaptureON, CaptureOff, Compare, CompareON, CompareOff, Pwm, PwmDuty,PwmON, PwmOff

Ca.Co.Pwm setup:

1. Formulation of the form CCPn
2. Formality of the form Capture for events on the pin ccp
3. Events to be produced (in formality it Appears) in case of equality with the Timer
4. Type of alone PWM for pic endowed with form ECCP
5. Configuration of the output of the alone PWM for pic endowed with form ECCP
6. Delay of commutation among the exits only for pic endowed with form ECCP
7. Qualification of the reset of the TMR in formality Capture
8. Selection of the timers turned CCP ECCP to the forms
9. Visualization of the resolution of the Timer in base to their Configuration you see TMR
10. Formulation of the frequency of the PWM
11. Visualization of the Bit of resolution of the PWM
12. Visualization of the possible Step of the PWM