128 x 64 graphic LCD built in controller KS0107-KS0108

In this form it is possible to plan the peripheral one for the communication with the graphic display with controller integrated KS0107 - KS0108

The commands that interest this peripheral are:
Glcd [Line],[Circle],[print],[Locate],[Reset],[Cls],[Read],[Fill],[StartLine],[LoadFont],
Pset ,nPset

It's always necessary to plan the port in the correct direction in/out

1. Formulation of the connections to the Pin
2. Font to be included
3. indication of the necessary byte for the fonts
4. formality of writing *
5. Enable/Disable of the peripheral

* The interval of dispatch among the characters to the display can happen or through the control of the pin R/W to make a will if the display is busy or through one attended express in microseconds.